I am having a problem with interactive versions

I am having a problem with interactive versions. I need to show and hide certain columns depending on versions. I am using SL VersionName to solve this, but the problem is that the value in SL VersionName is the same for all versions. Does anyone have any suggestions?

To show or hide columns depending upon versions, you should have a Processing Option attached to the Report. You can have an item in the Processing Option for this purpose and based on the PO value you can hide/show the columns.


There is another workaround I have used successfully without having to change the Processing Options template. It’s not elegant, but it works. Try this:

Create one or more custom UDC tables to store your version and the flags you need, and read them during the Dialog is Initialized or Post Dialog is Initialized event at runtime.

For example:
I used UDC table 58/P1 to store a flag to display or not display certain form controls on the application:
Code Description 1 Special Handling
IAA0001 Display date columns 1
IAA0002 No date display 0

Then during the Dialog is Initialized event, I added code to get the Special Handling Code from the UDC table using the N0800031 Business Function N0800031. I used the SL VersionName to pass into the Business Function, then used the output to hide or show the columns as applicable.


It will be difficult to handle this situation if you don’t use the PO template for handling different versions. There are other ways to do it, though. If you know the situations where a particular version is used, then by specifing that situation flag you can hide or show columns with different versions.

*Questions excerpted from ITToolBox.com*

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